Long Week

Well, faithful readers, it’s been a remarkably long week. My “real” had me working until after 11:00 p.m. for a change. Most weeks go by with only needing 20 minutes of work. This wasn’t one of them.

That doesn’t mean I don’t have a tone to say, of course. I had some extremely interesting things happen with the Goetic Kings, and learned a valuable lesson, thanks to my HGA. I had a healing thing happen that left me stumped. A friend wrote a huge-ass essay on why Obama isn’t really black (friend is of African-American descent, so he gets away with that without being labeled a racist, even though he totally is). People have been asking for help with their Genius/Daimon names, and I haven’t had any time to get to them. I think I even sold an eBook that I ahven’t sent out yet.

And there’s an essay project I’m working on about … well, you’ll see.

Anyway, sorry for the hiatus, faithful readers. I’ll be back to full-R.O. mode soon enough.

Published by Rufus Opus

I am Rufus Opus, Hermetic Magician, teacher, preacher, and the kind of guy you'd be surprised conjures demons, but then when you think about it, it makes sense of so many things.

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