Coping with Difficult Times

Times can tough. Mercury is retrograde, and will be until tomorrow. He’s still going to be “slow” until November 1st. I’ve found that Mercury Retrograde seems to affect my communications negatively, specifically at the very beginning and very ending of the retrograde motion. To mitigate the effects of Mercury Retrograde, as with any other astrologicalContinue reading “Coping with Difficult Times”

An Astral Ritual

So last Tuesday I was dealing with some annoying crap in my life. Finances were sucking. My job, my beautiful job, was in trouble. The gov’t contract has to be reviewed and funds reallocated at the end of each fiscal year. (That’s Sept. 30 for you civilians that don’t know.) My company subcontracted renegotiations outContinue reading “An Astral Ritual”

The Power Within

Once upon a time, deep within the sea, The Flying Dutchman, ghost extraordinaire, believed he had lost his ability to scare people. He grew extremely clinically depressed, and was finally brought around by a friendly sea-sponge, who showed him this inspirational video: That’s the inspiration for this post. For those of you “too enlightened” for Spongebob,Continue reading “The Power Within”

Getting K&CHGA using Agrippa’s Genius

With the recent posts about the importance of K&CHGA, this is probably a good time to plug getting K&C using the Name of your Genius. You get the name, draw it a few times in a few scripts, and enjoy getting to know it. Then you conjure it. (Oh spirit NN, I conjure you inContinue reading “Getting K&CHGA using Agrippa’s Genius”

Learning Goetia the Easy Way – Kinetic Meditation

I sold a set of the plaster seals of the nine Kings of the Lemegeton’s Goetia last week. The images in this post are scanned wooden blanks that I used to make the Sculpey molds for the plaster casts. I discovered some flaws in my process, but it all worked out in the end. IContinue reading “Learning Goetia the Easy Way – Kinetic Meditation”

Thar be Gold in them thar Grimoires, Arrrrrrr…

Pirate treasure hunters. For the duration of this post, ye do be pirates, arrr, and pirates searchin‘ fer the treasure hidden in them thar grimoires… Abramelin, the Holy Guardian Angel, the Agatha Daimon, the Nativity Angel and Other Important Things that Must be Discussed Prior to finding any gold, and really, I can’t stress thisContinue reading “Thar be Gold in them thar Grimoires, Arrrrrrr…”