3.2 – Using the Glyph in Practice

Once the Altar was laid out appropriately, methods of using the Glyph in practice came naturally. The binding of the Demonic Kings immediately cut off a great deal of mischief in my life. People at work that were obstacles to accomplishing my work suddenly became too distracted doing their work to give me grief, andContinue reading “3.2 – Using the Glyph in Practice”

3.1 – Putting it all Together: The Altar Layout Revisited

The first thing I did, being the pragmatic Tech-writing Taurus that I am, was to draw up the Glyph on my computer. It’s easier to do concentric circles and save them as images in Visio. What I ended up with is this: As you can see, there aren’t seven circles for the spheres of theContinue reading “3.1 – Putting it all Together: The Altar Layout Revisited”

2.7 – The Genius and the Evil Daimon

The Genius and the Evil Daimon are entities with a long history in the Western Mystery Tradition. The idea of the good and evil spirits assigned to people is so ingrained in the American culture that I grew up watching cartoons that frequently showed a character with a little angel with a harp on oneContinue reading “2.7 – The Genius and the Evil Daimon”

2.6 – Them Pesky Demons are at it Again…

In the Neo-Platonic tradition, in the grimoires that comprise it, in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus that frame it, and in the writings of Agrippa that provide the most comprehensive resource of the modern occult, there are mentions of demons, maleficent spirits that cause trouble. I would personally rather believe that all spirits are basicallyContinue reading “2.6 – Them Pesky Demons are at it Again…”

2.5 – Spirit Pots

I hope you enjoyed the update on the Bune spirit pot earlier. That particular vessel is an example of the brass vessel described in the Goetia within the Lemegetton. The Lemeggeton is a Solomonic grimoire, and like all the grimoires I’ve seen, it is fundamentally rooted in the Neo-Platonic system we’ve been discussing. Personally, IContinue reading “2.5 – Spirit Pots”

2.3 – The Joys of Making Talismen

Sorry about the hiatus. It’s been a long couple of weeks. Don’t conjure Jupiter spirits for wealth and prosperity if you don’t want to work your tail off. On with the Joys of Making Talismen! Note: A friend suggested that the plural of talisman is talisma. Dictionary.com says it’s Talismans. I prefer Talismen, because itContinue reading “2.3 – The Joys of Making Talismen”

2.2 – About those Planets…

In Section 1, we established that the planetary spheres represent aspects of God radiating down from the highest heavens into the manifest realm. Each sphere has a governing spirit and legions of spirits that are responsible for manifesting the aspects of that sphere into the material realm, and specifically into the sphere of the magician.Continue reading “2.2 – About those Planets…”